Men, boys, body image, and eating disorders
Eating disorders do not discriminate, yet harmful misconceptions and stereotypes can make it seem that only women and girls are affected.
In reality, men and boys can also have body image concerns and eating disorders – and the number of males impacted is rising.
Low awareness and stigma means that many men can go undiagnosed and without support. The good news is that information and help is available, and recovery is possible.
We’re encouraging people to talk to the men in their lives about eating disorders, as the number of boys and men affected is on the rise.
“For nearly four years, I suffered in silence with my eating disorder. There were many things preventing me from speaking up – how the world perceives professional athletes, and men more broadly, was a big one. More men are suffering from eating disorders than we realise. By having these conversations and showing vulnerability is not weakness, we are proving that it’s okay to speak up and that help is available for anyone facing eating disorders and body image issues.” – Brock McLean, former AFL player
Presentation and behaviour in men
At the centre of many eating disorders in males or people identifying as male is dissatisfaction with their bodies due to a lack of muscle definition. This may show in several ways. It’s not unusual for a male with an eating disorder to experience another disorder like depression or anxiety or to engage in other behaviours like heavy drinking and substance abuse. These disorders and behaviours may occur at the same time as the eating disorder or they may lead to, or be a result of, an episode of disordered eating.
Presentation can include
- Obsession with fitness and body image
- Fear of gaining weight
- Restrictive diet and eliminating certain foods
- Bingeing and purging
- Anger when confronted about their exercise and disordered eating
- Dissatisfaction, isolation and social avoidance
- Muscle enhancing drug use
Behaviours can include
- Depressive disorders
- Anxiety disorders
- Impulse control
- Substance abuse
- Alcohol abuse
- Smoking
Yes, males do engage in severe dietary restriction and purging. An estimated 41% of people with Anorexia identify as male (Paying the Price 2024).
People with an eating disorder will restrict their food by dieting, fasting, or limiting the types of food that they eat. Men with an eating disorder can also engage in all of those practices and include them as part of a rigid exercise regime to improve the appearance of their bodies. It’s important to recognise that excessive exercise can also be a form of disordered eating.
Some males with an eating disorder alternate between maintaining an overly rigid diet their food to make their bodies appear more lean and consuming large amounts of protein in various forms to increase muscle density. In this phase they may even revert to muscle enhancing drugs like anabolic steroids. Binge eating in preparation for periods of restriction is seen as a way of maintaining muscle density without weight gain.
Young people who are anxious, lack self-confidence, or have low self-esteem may have an increased susceptibility to eating disorders – boys aged 15-19 are most at risk (Reality of eating disorders 2024). People who have endured bullying or any form of trauma, either at school, at home or in the workplace are more likely to struggle with this disorder. The origin of an eating disorder is not always clear, it can emerge as a function to cope with stress, or it could be a reaction that is caused by stress.
Possible signs may include attitudes and beliefs that manifest in an obsessive approach to exercise or a total pursuit to having an unrealistically ideal body, often associated with a muscular physique. This may suggest underlying feelings of shame, sadness or anger associated with their body.
Men are also likely to change the means in which they socialise – either attempting to avoid or isolate themselves, others may actively seek reassurance. Males who find that they spend an excessive amount of time thinking about and trying to control their appearance, weight or physique, may need to be more alert of an eating disorder.
While everyone’s journey to recovery may look different, it helps to talk about it.
If you read some of the personal stories on our website you can see different journeys, and that the road to recovery is possible.
We know that one of the biggest barriers for men is asking for help and acknowledging that there is a problem. Men are less likely to seek help, it’s a barrier that has caused a lot of harm. Research suggests that when guys start to learn more about eating disorders they are more likely to take action. Encouragement to speak and listen openly increases earlier prevention. The first step to recovery is reaching out.
More than one third of Australians living with an eating disorder are male [1]
Prevalence of eating disorders in men has grown by almost 33,000 since 2012 [2]
Men are four times more likely to live with an undiagnosed eating disorder [3]
24% of boys aged 12-18 in Australia report a high level of body dissatisfaction [4]
Hear from men with lived experience of eating disorders & body image concerns
“To all the people who struggle everyday, you’re not alone and there is help available. I know it’s a big struggle in your life, but in my heart, I believe that we can fight this mental illness and try to recover as soon as possible. Don’t give up on life!” – Peter
Getting support
If you suspect that you or someone you know has an eating disorder, it is important to seek help immediately. The earlier you seek help the closer you are to recovery. While your GP may not be a specialist in eating disorders, they are a good ‘first base’ and can refer you to a practitioner with specialised knowledge in health, nutrition and eating disorders.
For support, information, access to resources or referrals, contact Butterfly’s National Helpline on 1800 33 4673 (8am-midnight, AEST/AEDT, 7 days a week), email, or webchat.
Find out more
- Read stories of guys who have an eating disorder or who have recovered
- Find out about our RESET program: Deeper conversations about body dissatisfaction and eating disorders, Australia’s first digital body image program for adolescent boys, designed to give young men the opportunity to talk about the pressures they face and concerns they experience in relation to body image.
- Eating disorders and men – information from the National Eating Disorder Collaboration (NEDC)
- Videos on men and eating disorders
- Creating a positive body image environment for men and boys
[1] Deloitte Access Economics. (2024). Paying the Price, Second Edition: The economic and social impact of eating disorders in Australia. Report commissioned for Butterfly Foundation. Sydney: Butterfly Foundation.
[2] Ibid
[3] Griffiths, et al. 2015. Self-stigma of seeking treatment and being male predict an increased likelihood of having an undiagnosed eating disorder. International Journal of Eating Disorders
[4] Butterfly Foundation (2023). BodyKind Youth Survey: Your body image, Your voice 2023 report. Retrieved from