Talk to someone now. Call our National Helpline 7 days a week, 8am-midnight (AEST/AEDT) on 1800 33 4673. You can also chat online or email

Talk to someone now. Call our National Helpline 7 days a week, 8am-midnight (AEST/AEDT) on 1800 33 4673. You can also chat online or email

Body Image and Eating Disorders Awareness Week (BIEDAW) is a national week to raise awareness of body image concerns and eating disorders, celebrated annually in the first full week of September (2-8 September 2024).

This #BIEDAW, we’re sharing important reminders of what people should and shouldn’t say, think, or do when it comes to bodies, appearance, food and eating disorders, so we can all work towards a more BodyKind Australia.

It’s a vital time to raise awareness for how all people – from health professionals to parents and educators – can support those vulnerable to, experiencing or recovering from eating disorders and body image issues in their everyday language and actions. 

Kindly Do, Kindly Don’t

The way we talk about food, bodies, appearance and eating disorders has an impact – and we all have a role to play in shifting misconceptions and breaking down stigma. It’s key in encouraging people to seek help.

But our research shows that while awareness of eating disorders has increased, deeper understanding remains low and misconceptions and stigma remain high.

  • One in five people believe that you can tell if someone has an eating disorder just by looking at them
  • Only 11% of people living in Australia can spot the signs and symptoms of an eating disorder
  • One in six people think that eating disorders are a lifestyle choice or about vanity. 

These stigmatising views can lead to unhelpful or harmful comments and behaviours that can have a serious impact on people at risk of, experiencing or recovering from eating disorders.

To combat this, we’re sharing Kindly Do’s and Kindly Don’ts 

Join us as we share actionable reminders of ways to handle and avoid appearance-based, diet culture and fatphobia-driven comments and behaviours, as well as educating people on ways to best support those around them experiencing eating disorders and body image concerns.

The goal is to break down misconceptions, encourage help-seeking and support people struggling – a vital step toward a more BodyKind Australia. 

View content on socials – from 2-8 Sept


Kindly Do, Kindly Don’t: In the Doctor’s Office

Members of our lived experience community, the Butterfly Collective, told us that one of the most significant misconceptions surrounding eating disorders is that you can tell someone has an eating disorder by their appearance. 

It’s also particularly harmful when healthcare professionals believe stereotypes or misconceptions about eating disorders, dismiss your concerns, or only focus on your weight. 

To help you advocate for yourself in the doctor’s office or other healthcare settings, Butterfly has created a ‘Kindly Do, Kindly Don’t Support Script. You can input your concerns, medical history, goals for the appointment and advise health professionals of language and actions that may be helpful or harmful to your recovery.

Download now

Kindly Do listen to lived experience

Body Image and Eating Disorder Awareness Week would not be possible without people with lived experience of eating disorders generously sharing their insights and opinions.

We asked our lived experience community, the Butterfly Collective, what misconceptions and stigma surrounding eating disorders need to be dismantled, and their Kindly Do, Kindly Don’t advice as to how you can best support people living with eating disorders and body image concerns.

Read more

BIEDAW 2024 Events & Activities

BIEDAW is a collaboration between Butterfly, Eating Disorders Victoria, Eating Disorders Queensland, Eating Disorders Families Australia and ANZAED. Stay tuned for more events & activities you can get involved with!

Kindly Do, Kindly Don’t Webinar

Ahead of Body Image and Eating Disorders Awareness Week (BIEDAW), Think HQ and Butterfly hosted a special webinar dedicated to learning about the best-practices when talking about, reporting on and portraying eating disorders and body image in the media, campaigns, content and everyday life. We heard powerful stories from people with lived experience and explored the real-life impact of problematic comments and reporting, with a focus on Butterfly’s Kindly ‘Dos and Don’ts’ – tangible actions everyone can use to help us work towards a more BodyKind Australia.

Watch the recording below

webinar recording


Finding ways to like, accept, love or even feel positive about your body can be challenging in the world we live in today, but we can all try to be a little kinder.

Being BodyKind is how we nourish, nurture and move our bodies. It’s about the language we use out loud, online and in our heads – to ourselves and others.

This September, join Butterfly’s free annual awareness initiative, BodyKind, to encourage everyone in Australia to be kind to their own body and to others; face to face and online.  You will receive practical, evidence-informed tips, activities and webinars.

For schools foR families

BIEDAW on Socials

Keep your eyes on our social media channels, where across the week will be showcasing Lived Experience and expert insights, quotes and information about why The Time is Now to Act for Eating Disorders and Body Image Concerns.

Instagram | Facebook | Twitter/X | LinkedIn


Donate to Butterfly, so we can continue supporting those living with eating disorders and body image concerns.



Concerned about yourself or someone you know? Get support now

If you or your loved one is experiencing a body image concern or eating disorder, contact the Butterfly National Helpline

1800 33 4673 | via webchat |email

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