Talk to someone now. Call our National Helpline 7 days a week, 8am-midnight (AEST/AEDT) on 1800 33 4673. You can also chat online or email

Talk to someone now. Call our National Helpline 7 days a week, 8am-midnight (AEST/AEDT) on 1800 33 4673. You can also chat online or email

Welcome to Body Kind Families.   

Body Kind Families aims to help you better understand body image so that you can talk to and support your teen with theirs, encouraging everyone in your home to be kind to their own body, and to others.  Every family is different and as the expert on yours, please use the information in a way that works best for you. 

Body Kind Families is based around a series of topics, that parents told us were most important to them.  Each topic includes a short video delivered by a leading expert and a parent tip-sheet.  Information is up to date and informed by evidence. 

There are also some shared family activities designed to prompt conversations in the home. 

We have also provided links to other useful parenting organisations who provide resources to help you build and maintain a connection with the teenager in your life. 

Body Kind Families is designed for parents of teenagers. If you are looking for resources on body image and younger children, family resources are available through Butterfly’s new primary school program, Butterfly Body Bright. 

How to help our teens...

Build resilience to media messaging

Develop a positive relationship with eating

Develop a positive relationship with physical activity

Improve language around bodies and appearance

For help staying connected with your teen and guidance on a range of issues affecting young people

Frequently Asked Questions 

For more tips and guidance on managing tricky and challenging situations relating to body image and healthy eating and physical activity behaviours, head to our FAQs.



Support for families affected by an eating disorder

Body Kind Families is a prevention focused, health promotion initiative and may not give you the support you need right now. If you are concerned about a loved one or are caring for someone with an eating disorder contact Butterfly’s National Helpline for information on Butterfly’s programs for carers or for referrals to treatment care and support.  Eating Disorders Families Australia can also help. 

And please remember, body image issues and eating disorders can occur in any family, anywhere and the reasons why are very complex.  Everyone impacted by eating disorders is deserving of support.  

gEt support

Thank you

Butterfly would like to thank members of our Stakeholder Reference Group for their guidance and support of Body Kind Families. 

Let’s talk

Find out more about Butterfly prevention programs for young people, professionals and parents, including Body Kind Families and Butterfly Body Bright, whole of primary school program.


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