Talk to someone now. Call our National Helpline 7 days a week, 8am-midnight (AEST/AEDT) on 1800 33 4673. You can also chat online or email

Talk to someone now. Call our National Helpline 7 days a week, 8am-midnight (AEST/AEDT) on 1800 33 4673. You can also chat online or email

Celebrating 20 years of Butterfly

From humble beginnings around a kitchen table to what is now the largest national charity for eating disorders and body image issues, Butterfly has been changing lives for the past 20 years. To mark this milestone, we are proud to launch The Next 20 – a campaign to set the agenda for the next 20 years of prevention and treatment of all those affected. 

For two decades, our efforts in education, advocacy, early intervention, prevention and clinical services have helped to make a difference. However, not only do misconceptions and stigma continue to create barriers to diagnosis and care, but COVID has had a huge impact on mental health in Australia. There has been an unprecedented increase in eating disorders and our work is as crucial as ever. 

There is still much more that needs to be done but we can’t do it without you. Join us as we acknowledge our legacy and outline an ambitious agenda for the next 20 years.
We’re here to make a difference for people with body image issues and eating disorders.  


We’ve been changing lives for 20 years but #TheNext20 are even more important. Donate now to support Australians with eating disorders or body image concerns.


Butterfly’s achievements over 20 years

Since its inception in 2002, Butterfly has played a critical role in advocating for the needs of those living with eating disorders and body image concerns, and while amplifying the voice of lived experience. Through government investment and other fundraising initiatives, Butterfly has developed and deployed essential services focused on the prevention and treatment of eating disorders as well as fostering healthy body image among children, family and the broader community. Including: 


Get involved

  • Film and send us a birthday message – Send us a 30 second video message celebrating the milestone. You can discuss your visions for Butterfly and discuss why support for those impacted by eating disorders is so important for The Next 20 years. Or upload your own birthday message on your preferred social media channel and tag us in your video so we can re-share it.  
  • Acknowledge the milestone by sharing our ‘Happy Birthday Butterfly’ social media tile – be sure to mention or tag us on your preferred social media platform so we can re-post it. You’ll find a downloadable link in the ‘resources’ section at the bottom of this page. 
  • Follow us on socials – Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | Twitter | YouTube
  • Fundraise – The more funding we have, the more we can help. Set up a Just Giving supporter page and share with your friends to be a part of the “Butterfly Effect”.



DONATE – Help Butterfly to support all people with eating disorders, including those we don’t typically recognise as being at risk. The more funding we have, the more we can help. Please support Butterfly TODAY by making a DONATION.


How your donations make a difference

  • $5 could support 1 child/young person to receive positive body image education in their school.
  • $15 can help to ensure 1 parent can receive our parent education programs
  • $40 could support the development of an e-newsletter for schools.
  • $50 can help us provide low-cost seminars for parents on supporting a healthy body image in their children.
  • $75 can assist us with developing and producing free online resources for schools and families to create healthy body image environments for young Australians.
  • $90 can fund an educator/other professional working with young people to attend a professional workshop (prevention/early intervention).
  • $150 could help us create new web and digital content for young people.
  • $500 can fund an evidence-informed, age-appropriate session to students in a secondary school, promoting positive body image.
  • $750 could provide a parent seminar to a school/sporting organisation.
  • $1,500 could provide professional development training for a school, sporting or community organisation supporting young people.
  • $2,000 could sponsor a 3hr Body Kind leadership workshop at a school, sporting or community organisation supporting young people.
  • $5,000 could sponsor a whole of community program including professional training for those working with young people, a parent information seminar, and sessions for schools (years 5 to 12).

FUNDRAISE – Hold a fundraising event at home, at a venue, in a park, at your school or even your workplace to raise awareness and funds to support Butterfly’s important services to help all people with body image issues or eating disorders for #TheNext20 and beyond

SUPPORTER PAGE – A simple way to show your support and get involved in Butterfly’s #TheNext20 campaign is to create a JustGiving supporter page to raise funds and awareness for Butterfly. You can set up a profile and include information about Butterfly and the campaign, why you have chosen to support us, photos, videos, event updates and keep a tally of how much you raise. Your supporter page can be easily shared among friends, family and work colleagues via social media for them to make donations to help reach your target.

SHOP MERCHANDISE – Purchase a gift or resources from our SHOP, with the proceeds going towards supporting people with eating disorders and body image concerns.


If you are interested in finding out more about our #TheNext20 campaign or our Support Services, please connect with the following people:

Media Enquiries

Fundraising and Events

Lived Experience Case Studies & Sharing Your Story

find a professional

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