Latest news | 16 Feb 2017

At Home With Eating Disorders Conference.


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If you missed out on the At Home With Eating Disorders Conference, you can now view the day’s presentations.


About the Conference:

Butterfly, in collaboration with F.E.A.S.T (Families Empowered and Supporting the Treatment of Eating Disorders), hosted the third Australian Eating Disorders Conference for Carers in May 2017. The day was a huge success with over 100 carers attending.

At Home with Eating Disorders aims to widen the knowledge of carers of those living with an eating disorder, and to help people through the journey of their loved one’s recovery. The conference aims to empower families to play a vital role in their loved one’s journey to better health. Content includes presentations from leading health professionals, practical forums to help develop the skills of the carer, and opportunities to discuss their experience with other families and to build support networks.

Principal speakers:

Dr Janet Treasure OBE PhD FRCP FRCPsych 

Specialising in the treatment of eating disorders for more than twenty years, Janet Treasure’s research as pioneered a greater understanding of and more effective treatments for anorexia and bulimia. Janet is also an author, and has written several self-help books for both those living with eating disorders and their carers. She has been awarded an OBE for her work in eating disorders in 2013. She is currently involved in an international study examining the factors that cause anorexia nervosa to run in families.

Dr Roxanne Rockwell, Ph.D

Assistant clinical professor at the Department of Psychiatry and Director of the UC San Diego Adolescent Eating Disorders Service, Dr Roxanne Rockwell, has significant experience in the treatment, evaluation and research of eating disorders and obesity since 1999. Her clinical and research work focuses primarily on eating disorders (anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder) and weight management issues.  Dr Rockwell is a certified Family Based (Maudsley) Therapist.

Dr Professor Stephen Touyz, Ph.D

Dr Professor Touyz is the Chair of the Executive Committee of the Centre for Eating and Dieting Disorders at the Boden Institute of Obesity, Nutrition, Exercise and Eating Disorders at the University of Sydney and a Mental Health Advisor to the Commonwealth Department of Veterans Affairs Health Program (since 1994). Touyz has obtained a wealth of experience in treating patients across the psychiatric spectrum as well as providing high level neuropsychology consultation to both adult and children.

For more information, please visit the At Home With Eating Disorders website. 

This conference is hosted collaboratively by F.E.A.S.T and the Butterfly Foundation.

F.E.A.S.T is an international organisation for parents and caregivers to help loved ones recover from eating disorders by providing information and mutual support, promoting evidence-based treatment, and advocating for research and education to reduce the suffering associated with eating disorders.

The Butterfly Foundation is Australia’s only national charity for the support of people with body image issues, eating disorders and their families and carers.

Download the Conference Flyer