Latest news | 18 Jul 2016

David Murray AO leads business innovation for Butterfly’s long-term sustainability

Butterfly Foundation welcomes the announcement by the Future Generation Global Company (FGG) that they will be donating $4.7 million to Australian children and youth charities working in mental health for the financial year end 30 June 2016.

Butterfly is one of the nine designated charities to receive these funds, and it will direct the donation to deliver Butterfly’s intensive outpatient program (IOP) for young people with eating disorders. The IOP is an early intervention program focusing on preventing hospitalisation and engaging the young person in sustainable recovery based in Sydney.

Butterfly Chairman David Murray AO applauded FGG’s innovative fund raising model and support of Butterfly. “The Future Generation model is incredibly exciting for Butterfly in our quest, like all non-profits, to become financially sustainable. To secure ongoing funding from FGG enables Butterfly to introduce vital eating disorders early intervention services and model these to government to include them in a reformed health system. The Butterfly intensive outpatient program for young people with eating disorders has previously only been available to the wealthy Australians who could afford to travel to the US for the treatment. This is a real breakthrough for eating disorders treatment in Australia”

“The FGG model adds to other innovative models that Butterfly is exploring such as social impact bonds, and shared value partnerships to provide sustainable funding options and balance diminishing community fund raising options and the vagaries of short-term funding contracts from government,” said Murray.

In addition to this, Butterfly is pleased to announce its success in being selected as a NSW finalist in the 2016 Telstra Business Awards. The introduction of a charity category in these prestigious awards also reflects the significance of bringing together corporate Australia and the not for profit sector. Butterfly has worked hard to build its internal capacity to engage with business and embrace innovation – to capture diversified funding streams to create long term ability to sustain its work.

Under David Murray’s leadership as Chair, Butterfly is proactively seeking and building partnerships with corporate Australia, recognising both the interest of that sector in developing social benefit, and its capacity to make a real financial difference. Butterfly has enjoyed the strong support of Sportsgirl and Dove and the funds those organisations have contributed have resulted in new services and programs. Developing the bridge between corporate Australia and urgent need such as that for people with eating disorders is a strong focus for Butterfly.

Securing the support of corporate Australia will accelerate Butterfly’s ability to reach its goal – that any Australian suffering from an eating disorder has affordable access to evidence based care.

Butterfly CEO Christine Morgan added, “David Murray’s leadership of Butterfly has positioned the organisation where we are recognised for our leadership as Australia’s peak organisation for those with a lived experience of an eating disorder, and provided us with the ability to establish eating disorders as a serious mental illness in a country where over 1 million people currently suffer from these devastating neuropsychiatric illnesses.

Anyone needing support with eating disorders or body image issues is encouraged to contact the Butterfly National Eating Disorders Helpline on 1800 33 4673.

Media Enquiries: Jenny Muir – 0415 401 200