Season Three of Butterfly’s Body Image & Eating Disorder Podcast Now Available
Butterfly’s award winning podcast, Let’s Talk, is back with Season Three, exploring the historical, cultural and contextual roots of body dissatisfaction and eating disorders
Launched with a new look and feel, Season Three will see Butterfly invite experts from an array of disciplines to the body image and eating disorder discussion. Including interviews with cultural anthropologists and plastic surgeons to social media influencers and feminist thinkers, each episode will capture insightful conversations about how and why body dissatisfaction and eating disorders occur, as well as the paths to recovery.
With the aim to promote body kindness and awareness that body image issues and eating disorders can impact anyone, the podcast will also include stories of lived experience.
Butterfly Foundation CEO Kevin Barrow said “The voice of lived experience is imperative to Let’s Talk. We find that when people share their own story, others deeply resonate and hear themselves represented. Many of our lived experience interviewees, through the power of story telling, demonstrate that there are pathways to recovery and provide hope to individuals who may be struggling.”
In its first year of production (2020), Let’s Talk was listed in Apple’s ‘New and Noteworthy Podcasts’ and in the following year it won the Mental Health Service Sound/Vision Journalism Award. According to major podcast hosting platform Buzzsprout, Let’s Talk consistently ranks in the top 10 per cent of downloads for all podcasts worldwide.
Season Three sees Butterfly continue its successful collaboration with Tasmanian podcast producer, Ikin Media, and welcomes back the popular Sam Ikin as host.
Reflecting on past seasons and discussing forthcoming episodes Ikin said: “The last two seasons have been exciting, terrifying, engaging and cathartic all at once. We’ve found out so much about body image and eating disorders, including that there is a tremendous amount that we don’t know.
“In Season Three, we’re peeling back the layers even further to see just how deeply ingrained eating disorders are in our society. I can’t tell you precisely what is going to happen, but I can promise we will boldly go where no conversation has been before.”
The first episode of Let’s Talk Season Three is out now and focuses on one of the most basic questions, yet the one most often asked on the Butterfly Helpline: How do you know it’s an eating disorder?
For more information on the ‘Butterfly: Let’s Talk’ podcast head to:
Media Contacts
Alex Cowen
Communications Manager
Ph: 0497 008 716
Edelman for Butterfly Foundation
Editor and producers note: Please include the following support line details in all media coverage of this story and refer to the Mindframe Media guidelines for safe reporting on eating disorders. Please include the following helpline message.
About Butterfly
Butterfly Foundation is the national charity for all Australians impacts by eating disorders and body image issues, and for the families, friends and communities who support them. Butterfly operates a National Helpline that supports over 30,000 people each year. We also provide a wide range of individual and group-based programs for people in recovery, carers and family members, while our prevention programs address the modifiable risk factors in the development of body image issues and eating disorders.
Help and Support
Anyone needing support with eating disorders or body image issues is encouraged to contact:
- Butterfly National Helpline on 1800 33 4673 (1800 ED HOPE) chat online or
- Find useful articles & resources via Butterfly’s COVID Help Hub
- Find a professional via Butterfly’s Referral Database
- Eating Disorders Victoria Helpline on 1300 550 23
- For urgent support call Lifeline 13 11 14