Upcoming Twitter Chat for World Eating Disorders Day
We want to encourage all our Butterfly supporters on Twitter to join us this coming Thursday, June 2nd, for a TWEETCHAT!
This fun and informative online event will be taking place to celebrate the inaugural WORLD EATING DISORDERS ACTION DAY.
We will be discussing current treatment options in Australia and also the barriers people are facing when trying to access this treatment.
As you may already be aware, Butterfly is currently sounding the MAYDAY alarm for more than 700,000 Australia’s who are experiencing an eating disorder but are being failed by our health system, unable to get the necessary life-saving treatment.
Special Guests
ANZAED (The Australian and New Zealand Academy for Eating Disorders) – @ANZEAD1
ANZAED is the peak body for eating disorder professionals involved in research, prevention, treatment and advocacy in Australia, New Zealand and beyond. ANZAED fosters networking and professional development in the eating disorder field and aims to provide leadership and advocacy to improve the understanding, prevention and treatment of eating disorders.
How to join our Tweetchat – #WeDoAct
1. Login to Twitter.
2. With your Twitter account already open, open up another tab at TweetChat.
3. It is very user friendly. To start, you type the hashtag in the “Enter a hashtag to start” box and press go – in our case, the hashtag is #WeDoAct
4. When you click go the “authorize tweetchat” app will open up. Click “authorize app” to allow Tweetchat to access your Twitter account. It will not post for you, you still control everything. Once you authorize the app, you’ll be redirected to the page where we are holding our TweetChat.
Date: June 2nd at 11:00 am AEST
Topic: Current treatment options and barriers in Australia
Guests: ANZAED