Found 137 results for "binge eating"
"I have always been a bigger bodied person. Being socialized as a woman and growing up in a world where my body was sexualized and only validated by it’s ability to fit in with current beauty standards, as well as early childhood sexual assault, left me with eating disorders. Binge eating, bulimia and anorexia. My build is wide and curvy so it was kept unnoticed. Along with these unpleasant relationships to my body, I also knew from a young age that I was queer, which definitely fuelled a feeling of alienation that I had already attached to being a chubby kid." Social media producer at ABC Queer, Miki, shares their thoughts on body politics and queerness for Pride Month.
Dietitian Fiona Willer shares why she is still ditching diets, years after being diagnosed with an eating disorder, and why she is dedicated to being a Health at Every Size (HAES) practitioner.
Recovery is the best thing that has ever happened to me. And I am so proud of myself for never giving up!