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Raising Body Kind Teens

Audience: Parents and care-givers of  secondary age children.

Session Length: 1.5hrs (face-to-face or virtual)

Group Size: No upper limit

With a focus on preventing body dissatisfaction and serious eating issues, this session provides information and practical tips to help parents of teens better understand and promote positive body image in the home.   It encourages all members of the family to be Body Kind; kind in the way they move, nourish, nurture and speak about their own body and others.  Importantly, it explores how to respond when your teen expresses negativity towards themselves or others and what to do if you are concerned.

Whilst the session does aim to increase understanding of eating disorders the focus is on prevention and fostering positive body image and healthy behaviours.

Key themes

  • How positive body image helps teens to thrive and protects against the development of serious body and eating issues.
  • Key influences on body image, including diet culture, weight stigma, social media and the importance of ‘positive following’
  • Strategies to reduce appearance talk and body comparisons and increase body appreciation
  • How to respond to negative body talk and appearance bullying/teasing
  • Supporting Body Kind eating, movement and self-care in teens
  • The power of role modeling positive body image and being kind to our own and all bodies
  • The importance of early intervention and what to do if you are concerned.
  • Referral and support information – including Butterfly’s helpline.


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