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Talk to someone now. Call our National Helpline 7 days a week, 8am-midnight (AEST/AEDT) on 1800 33 4673. You can also chat online or email

Understanding Body Image and Eating Disorders in Sport

Audience: Dance teachers, coaches and supporting staff

Session Length: 1.5 – 2hrs

Group size: 30 maximum

This introductory session provides an overview of how body and eating issue can develop, the importance of a healthy body image and the signs and symptoms of eating disorders.

It explores why those in competitive sport or sports where there is a strong focus on appearance, diet and weight requirements are at higher risk.  It provides advice on early intervention, identifies the particular barriers to help-seeking in young athletes and explains how to support recovery.  The session closes with the basic principles of a positive body image club/team culture and how sporting professionals can model appropriate language and behaviours.


Key themes

  • The spectrum of behaviours from healthy to disordered and clinical diagnosis
  • Recognising eating disorders as serious mental illnesses and addressing commonly held beliefs
  • The importance of following training and nutrition regimes that support health, as well as performance
  • Types of eating disorders and their impacts
  • Knowledge of risk and protective factors and why athletes are at a higher risk
  • Warning signs what to do if you are concerned
  • Supporting recovery and assisting friends and peers
  • Creating a positive body image culture and the positive role modelling.

Please note content is not aimed at clinicians and does not provide a case management approach for young athletes with eating disorders.


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