Amanda's Story

My Fight for Recovery

I am 33 years old, I’m a wife and a mother. But for 22 years I have been fighting a battle with anorexia nervosa. I have been in and out of different facilities across Australia trying to seek help for this insidious disease. I am now the best I’ve ever been, and have completed my studies in beauty therapy and have secured work for the first time in 12 years. It was hard because my husband was in the army, and my illness added extra strain for him. I don’t know how or why I am here today, but I am blessed. I hope I can openly talk about my experiences to help others. You can recover, it will be tough and rough but it is possible. I am now working instead of being confined to a hospital bed against my will. I wish to be a support for others and a candle of hope. The temptation of relapse and old ways are there, but eating disorders will lie to you. Life is better and easier without eating disorders in it.