Kate's Story

Winning the fight

While I am still living with my eating disorder and actively working towards full recovery, I’ve never been able to see the light at the end of the tunnel like I do now.

There was a long period of time that I couldn’t see things getting better from my lowest point – having a professional in charge of your care tell you that you won’t fully recover and that they can’t help you anymore could have been what made me give up trying.
I was lucky that I had one amazing psychologist who was angry for me (I was never one to express my emotions), she told me that was wrong and reminded me of how far I had already come, so I didn’t give up.

A number of years have passed and while I am still working towards my full recovery, I am capable of so many things I never would have dreamt of years ago, things that I never would have dared to fight my eating disorder on. These changes, no matter how small they might seem, are how I know this hard work of fighting my eating disorder every single day is working. I wanted to share this because if there is someone out there about to give up the fight, I want them to know it can get better – just think of one time you did the opposite of what your eating disorder told you to do and hold on to it, because that’s you winning the fight.