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Talk to someone now. Call our National Helpline on 1800 33 4673. You can also chat online or email

A voice for change

As the voice of lived experience, Butterfly advocates on behalf of people impacted by negative body image, disordered eating and clinical eating disorders, and those who support and care for them.

All of Butterfly’s advocacy programs are evidence based. Butterfly works closely and collaboratively with health and mental health researchers, clinicians, treatment experts, local and state based advocacy groups, state and federal governments, business, schools, youth and technology partners and those who have a lived experience to create more effective treatment and support for eating disorders.

Butterfly is a member of the Eating Disorder Alliance of Australia – a representative group of the eating disorder sector that includes Eating Disorders Victoria (EDV), Eating Disorders Queensland (EDQ), Australia and New Zealand Academy for Eating Disorders (ANZAED) and Eating Disorders Family Association (EDFA). Together we provide joint statements, briefing documents and other resources to the media, government, health and mental health sectors, and to our community, presenting a united eating disorder voice.

Butterfly contributes to parliamentary, community and industry forums of the emerging issues through submissions, appearances, provision of evidence and by convening meetings of key influencers, including lived experience.

Key areas of Butterfly’s advocacy include:

  • Appropriate funding for treatment – access and duration as well as appropriate treatment models of care
  • Professional development for clinicians and health care professionals
  • Education and awareness of risk factors and behaviours for prevention and recognition
  • Stigma reduction by shared stories and breaking down myths
  • Media and industry awareness and education including correcting unhelpful or triggering content
  • Access to appropriate levels of public and private health treatment funding
  • Multiple access points to support and counselling
  • Support for research into epidemiology, prevalence, risk factors, socio-economic impacts, emerging trends and behaviours

Butterfly is represented on the International Academy for Eating Disorders Advisory Board (AEDA).

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