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The Guidelines set out principles to guide eating disorder peer work and clarify minimum education, training, recruitment, supervision and safe practice standards to support the ongoing development of a safe, effective and sustainable peer workforce for eating disorders.
Who are these guidelines for?
As one of Butterfly’s Peer Support Facilitators, Rhiannon runs our recovery support groups and peer mentoring programs, where she uses the insights and tools she gained in her own recovery to now help others on a similar journey. Rhiannon highlights the power of lived experience wisdom in recovery and what’s involved in Butterfly’s peer support programs.
Clare, who is a peer worker and senior advisor with Eating Disorders Victoria’s Peer Mentoring Program, shares what’s involved in a peer work program and why utilising lived experience can be a powerful tool for ongoing recovery – for both the individual currently experiencing an eating disorder, and the peer worker who has recovered from an eating disorder themselves.
This list does not include participants (n =3) who wished to remain anonymous.