Butterfly Foundation National Helpline 1800 ED HOPE expands hours of operation for eating disorders
Wednesday 28th February – Butterfly Foundation, Australia’s national organisation for eating disorders, today announces the expansion of the Butterfly National Helpline 1800 ED HOPE (1800 33 4673), with services now available from 8:00am to midnight AEST (daylight savings adjusted), seven days a week. This increase in hours commences on Wednesday 28th February 2018.
The expansion of the service follows the announcement in September 2017, by Federal Minister for Health Greg Hunt, of $1.7 million to expand the Butterfly National Helpline 1800 ED HOPE, recognising the needs of more than 1 million Australians living with an eating disorder.
Butterfly Foundation’s CEO Christine Morgan confirmed the expansion of the operating hours and services, and the important role they play in boosting support to all Australians impacted by eating disorders. “We’d like to thank Minister Hunt for recognising the crucial role the national help line plays in delivering evidence-based support and professional eating disorder counselling services. More than 50,000 Australians have received important support since we opened the phone lines and web-based chat in 2012.
“As we work to reform Australia’s health system to deliver consistent evidence-based treatment and care for those affected by eating disorders, regardless of postcode, the National Helpline plays a significant role in providing crucial free counselling and support for everyone. Eating disorders and the associated psychological distress do not occur within restricted times, so it is crucial that the community have support during the night and on weekends,” said Ms Morgan.
Butterfly’s National Helpline 1800 ED HOPE is a first point of contact for anyone seeking help. That could be a person with the eating disorder, a carer, a health professional, teacher or loved one. The Helpline provides a free and confidential telephone, email and web-based support and counselling service, irrespective of postcode, circumstance or lived experience.
Butterfly’s National Helpline is operated by qualified mental health clinicians, trained in eating disorders, the steps to recovery and the challenges for carers, family and friends.
Increased hours of operation will be welcomed by the community, and is of great encouragement to those who struggle to find appropriate support, or who live in rural and remote areas, where services are limited.
For more information about this service visit, https://thebutterflyfoundation.org.au/our-services/helpline/
Anyone needing support with eating disorders or body image issues is encouraged to contact Butterfly’s National Helpline on 1800 33 4673 or support@butterfly.org.au
For urgent support call Lifeline 13 11 14
Butterfly encourages the media to adhere to the Mindframe Guidelines for reporting of suicide and eating disorders.
Media Contact: Danielle Cuthbert 0421 978 940 danielle.cuthbert@thebutterflyufoundation.org.au
Facebook – thebutterflyfoundation
Twitter – @BFoundation